Canadian libel law is based on English common law. 加拿大的诽谤法是以英国的习惯法为基础的。
The legal system is based on New Zealand law and English common law. 合法的体系则是基于新西兰法律和英语普法之上。
The trend is a sign of how global standards-often based on English-or US-style "common law" principles-are increasingly emerging to help simplify a financial world complicated by the traditional independence of national legal systems. 这种趋势是一个信号,表明往往基于英美普通法(commonlaw)原则的全球标准,正发挥越来越突出的作用,以助简化金融体系传统上各国法律体系相互独立,导致金融体系复杂化。
The most commonly connected tale with this story is that the original rule of thumb appeared in English common law. 与这一故事最通常关联的是这一短语曾出现在“英国公众法”中。
The concept of due process is rooted in English common law. 正当程序概念来源于英国的普通法。
They share a similar set of laws and regulations to those used in Hong Kong which has retained the English common law system. The assets also usually operate under a regulated tariff regime, making returns steady. 它们的法律法规与香港相似香港仍保留着英国普通法体系,而且这些资产通常在受到监管的关税制度下运营,收益稳定。
The American colonists brought English common law across the Atlantic, and colonial officials had as little toleration for the press as did their masters back home. 美洲殖民者将英国普通法带到了大西洋彼岸,殖民地的官员如同故乡的主人一样容不得新闻出版自由。
He went further. Look at London, New York, Hong Kong and Singapore, he said. Perhaps you needed English common law to be a world financial centre. 他说,看看伦敦、纽约、香港和新加坡吧,要成为全球金融中心,可能需要英国的普通法。
Therefore, American law, as a whole, does not dissociate from the English common law, but retains the essential part of the latter and becomes a significant representation of the common law system. 因此,从总体上讲,美国法并未游离出普通法的框架之外,而是保留了普通法的精髓,成为普通法系的重要组成部分。
As a law of case and with local custom as its content, the English common law is a by-product of the strengthening of King's power and centralization and forms in King's courts. 文章指出,英国普通法是诺曼王朝王权强化和中央集权化的副产品,形成于王室法庭的司法过程,体现为判例法,其内容来源于地方性习惯。
Reviewing media defamation out of territory, there exists "English common law mode"," American Constitution mode" and "Continent law mode". 在对媒体侵害名誉权证明责任的域外考察中,存在“英国普通法模式”、“美国宪法模式”和“大陆法系模式”三种情形。
The American Constitution's Origination of the English Common Law 美国宪法的英国普通法渊源
In the process of the birth of English common law, the arising of royal courts is the first and the most important step. 在普通法第一个重要的环节就是王室法院的兴起,在某种意义上也可以说是王室法院不断拓展自己的司法管辖权,并最终在与其他司法管辖权的竞争中取得压倒性优势的过程。
American law, which took shape from the colonial period to the 1870s, is the Americanized English common law. 美国法是英国普通法的美国化,它的形成始于殖民地时期,完成于19世纪70年代。
The system of writs is one of the most special and important frameworks of English common law. 从法律史的角度来看,令状制度(thesystemofwrits)是英国普通法历史上最为重要也最具有特色的司法制度,它和陪审制度一起构成了普通法形成与发展的程序基础。
Some Thoughts on Doctrine of "Remedies Proceed Rights" in English Common Law 英国普通法程序先于权利原则的思考
America has recepted the English common law. 独立革命后的美国继受了英国普通法。
The main factors that ever influenced the American constitutionalism are the English common law tradition, the political heritage of the colonies, and thoughts from the Enlightenment. 影响美国宪政体制的因素主要有来自英国的普通法传统、殖民地自身的政治经验以及源自欧洲的启蒙思想。
The Eyre System is very important in the formation of English Common Law. 巡回审判制度在英国法历史上具有十分重要的意义。
In short, the transplants of English common law had important effect on Africa law system. 总之,英国普通法在非洲的移植,影响了非洲的法律格局。
This article mainly analysis of China criminal law protection of network copyright and there is a real problem, at the same time refer to the English common law and civil law countries the legislative experience, made the improvement of criminal law protection of network copyright. 本文主要分析我国网络作品著作权刑法保护的现状和存在的现实问题,同时参考英美法系和大陆法系国家的立法经验,提出完善我国网络作品著作权刑法保护的建议。
This thesis tries to analyze legal fiction in the development of English common law from the perspective of the interaction between legal fiction and legal formalism, with a special reference to the influence legal fiction imposed upon the growth of English contract law. 本文以法律拟制与法律形式主义的互动关系为视角,以法律拟制对英国契约法形成的作用为个案,尝试对法律拟制在英国普通法发展中的状况进行描述和分析。
The paper proposes that the English Common Law was formed in the struggles process of feudal court, church court and royal court over the jurisdiction of England. 英国普通法的形成实际上是王室法庭、封建法庭、教会法庭和地方法庭对英国司法管辖权不断争夺的一个过程。
Many transactional rules in real estate law come from the ancient English common law. 美国房地产交易的诸多规则皆源自古老的英国普通法。
This System has played a positive role in both English legal system countries and common law countries. 无论是在英美法系还是大陆法系国家,该制度都发挥了积极的作用。
This section first reviews the "hurt of trade" provisions in 1624 "Monopoly Statute", and implys that the very idea in old English common law of balancing the interests between patentee and the public is the source of the patent exhaustion doctrine. 本节首先回顾了1624《垄断法》中对专利权不得损害交易的规定,认为古英格兰普通法中平衡专利权人垄断利益与公众贸易自由利益的思想正是专利权用尽原则的来源。
Then, English common law begun to transplant Africa. 此后,英国普通法开始移植非洲。
Due process, derived from English common law of "natural justice" principle, became an important constitutional principle of the United States, and by the United States Supreme Court case to be carried forward. 正当程序,源于英国普通法中的自然公正原则,后成为美国一项重要的宪法原则,而且通过美国最高法院的判例得以发扬光大。
In this process, the Eyre System enlarged the influence of royal court, so it is important to the birth and formation of the English Common Law. 正是在这一进程中,巡回审判制度扩大了王室法庭的司法审判权。
It also comes from English common law tradition, in the realization of social justice, the case law has a unique advantage. 这也源自英国的普通法传统,在实现社会正义方面,判例法有着得天独厚的优势。